Sunday, December 8, 2013

Personal Color Analysis - Where Does Skin Tone Fit In?

It has been 30 years since the blockbuster book, Color Me Beautiful, come on the scene with its system for categorizing colors by season. At the time women, and many men, flocked to have a personal color analysis done. There was great excitement about the prospect of finally discovering what one's best, most flattering colors to wear were. Initially, the seasonal analysis concept was accepted without question. It had answers, and we wanted answers. We were ready to have fun with our colors.As time wore on, and many thousands of people were being tested, it was discovered that about 70% of those analyzed were not finding a good match within any of the four seasonal categories. The personal color analysis approach was then expanded into a twelve category system. Many people were then able to settle on a group of colors that seemed to suit them very well...and many were not. If you go online to personal color analysis forums, you will discover a great deal of chat about the issue. A few are quite satisfied that they have workable answers to their personal color analysis needs. A great many, however, continue to be frustrated by the seeming absence of a definitive answer to their questions.No matter what, there are three colors that anyone can always count on being correct for them. Those three colors are your natural hair color, your natural eye color, and your skin tone. Hair and eye colors make wonderful neutrals for establishing a basic wardrobe. Skin tone is the exception.Rather than make assumptions about a skin tone, it is always best to identify it exactly. It makes sense to perform a stripe test with liquid foundation on one's jaw and neck until an exact match is identified. Then it can be very useful to match that foundation color with a color card from the paint department of a store. The card will come in very handy as an occasional reference for purchases.Once your skin tone color is identified, or even if you prefer to simply look at your arm to determine the color, you may feel free to use this color for a very sophisticated accent with any of your other wardrobe colors. Just a little skin tone color goes a long way. Because this color in a fabric or accessory is repeating the color of your skin, it will be very noticeable to the eye.You won't want to overdo it. Like a male customer recently said, "Some of these browns are quite close to my skin tone, so I'm wondering if they are best worn as jackets or away from the face...wearing that color would make me appear naked. Talk about slipping into something more comfortable. LOL." He's correct in his assumption. Your skin tone color will serve you best if you wear just touches of the color in your ensemble. It would look nice as one of the colors in a print fabric, for instance. You may always add your skin tone color to others identified through a good personal color analysis.

Jan Hawken: Color Expert and Founder of Personal Color Analysis: NEW technology tells you PRECISELY what your 620 best colors are. For the definitive answer Go to www.

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